Radial Transference
Hugo Paquete

Arxiu / Archivo / Archive

Presentació / Presentación

15 de Novembre de 2012

15 de Noviembre de 2012

November 15, 2012

Obres rebudes
Obras recibidas
Received works

Activitats / Actividades

Seminari Taller d'Espacialització de So / Seminario Taller de Espacialización de Sonido
4-8/02/2013 16.00-20.00 Hangar

ZèppelinExpandit2012 / ZeppelinExpandido2012 / Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multifocal 30/11/2012 . 20.00 . Hall del CCCB
BarcelonaSoLimit: Exposició de so i música / Exposición de sonido y música
BarcelonaSoLimit: Obres presentades a la Convocatòria / Obras presentadas a la Convocatoria
Paulo Hartmann : Acció participativa amb SmartPhones / Acción participativa con smartphones

Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multical
19/10/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB
CageMixTuring Irish Circus Electronic Live Ensemble

Escolta multifocal de fragments memorables de l'obra de John Cage modulats per un algorisme implementat en una màquina de Turing virtual i expandida als 17 altaveus que integren el dispositiu d'espacialització sonora de l'Orquestra del Caos
Escucha multifocal de fragmentos memorables de la obra de John Cage modulados por un algoritmo implementado en una máquina de Turing virtual y expandida a los 17 altavoces que integran el dispositivo de espacialización sonora de la Orquesta del Caos

Concert / Concierto
Zona Franca . Lali Barrière . 25/05/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB

BSL al/en el/ at CCCB

Nota de premsa en PDF

Nota de prensa en PDF

About Radial Transference . 2012
This composition pretends to understand the possible relationship between two distinct spaces that were recorded using field recording technique, their transfers and contamination on an atomic scale, reflecting the conflict, causality and turbulence.
Making reference of their character and an atomist approach in the proliferation of frequencies that could resemble an electrical activity that crosses all the space and give the motto, and articulating as a transitive reality the compositional sound universe as a synthetic and dynamic locust. One of the spaces sonically mapped was a warehouse full of birds and metallic material that contain special characteristic of reverberation. When I also recorded the sound of radios and other elements used in the work construction, respecting how they propagate and react in this environment. Another was a waterfront spaces recorded in the evening with a bamboo field. These sound elements are placed in antagonistic position by the geographical position and elements, of the genesis. Representative of a variety of activity and sound elements and spatial propagation characteristics.
Consecutively in the sound treating of these audio elements throw a atomic sound limit to understand Its structure of frequency, tones and amplitudes. Transforming the genesis these sounds into more abstract and suggestive elements recreating a new sound universe. Based on the image of two circles moving interacting and contaminating, recreate and grounded in an attempt to find points of tension, activity and sometimes vacuum.
I intended in this composition exploring limits that coordinate between complexity and emptiness using the language of music and acousmatic, spectrographic synthe and granular treatments to process some of the sounds and decompose their frequencies, manipulating also granularly projection of some sounds in order to build small phrases that articulate and turn over the piece with rhythmic variations and noise. These variations are sometimes operated until a threshold signal processing the sound in till is lost to get turns into another sound form that apparently does not associate with reality.
Process of multiple pitch variations, amplitudes and frequencies of sound building this idea of atomism, electricity and activity of small scales almost that relate geometrical and recreate a whole grain. In short a holding born out of inward linking, geographical space, temporal and elaborating a new fictional recreation of the real and the virtual, digital and analog representative of the transitions that we make nowadays between reality and Virtual distention of our existence in the politic frequencies of the nexus.

Performing: This work does not need a performer is a acousmatic work for loudspeakers

Hugo Paquete

Hugo Paquete
Intermedia and sound artist, was resident artist in the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, IMA | Institute for Music & Acoustics 2011. And he have a degree in Fine Art and New Media from the ESAD.CR, Portugal. Actually in the Master of contemporary artistic creation in Universidade de Aveiro. He receive a Leonardo da Vinci grant and a ZKM grant for develop different multimedia project focus sound spacialization and interaction between sound and image in multichannel configuring systems and narrative possibilities.
Actually is a collaborative teacher of sound art in the Intermedia and Fine Arte studies in Esap University in Porto Portugal.

More about Hugo Paquete at: http://about.me/hugo.paquete