Felipe Otondo

Arxiu / Archivo / Archive

Presentació / Presentación

15 de Novembre de 2012

15 de Noviembre de 2012

November 15, 2012

Obres rebudes
Obras recibidas
Received works

Activitats / Actividades

Seminari Taller d'Espacialització de So / Seminario Taller de Espacialización de Sonido
4-8/02/2013 16.00-20.00 Hangar

ZèppelinExpandit2012 / ZeppelinExpandido2012 / Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multifocal 30/11/2012 . 20.00 . Hall del CCCB
BarcelonaSoLimit: Exposició de so i música / Exposición de sonido y música
BarcelonaSoLimit: Obres presentades a la Convocatòria / Obras presentadas a la Convocatoria
Paulo Hartmann : Acció participativa amb SmartPhones / Acción participativa con smartphones

Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multical
19/10/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB
CageMixTuring Irish Circus Electronic Live Ensemble

Escolta multifocal de fragments memorables de l'obra de John Cage modulats per un algorisme implementat en una màquina de Turing virtual i expandida als 17 altaveus que integren el dispositiu d'espacialització sonora de l'Orquestra del Caos
Escucha multifocal de fragmentos memorables de la obra de John Cage modulados por un algoritmo implementado en una máquina de Turing virtual y expandida a los 17 altavoces que integran el dispositivo de espacialización sonora de la Orquesta del Caos

Concert / Concierto
Zona Franca . Lali Barrière . 25/05/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB

BSL al/en el/ at CCCB

Nota de premsa en PDF

Nota de prensa en PDF

About Irama . 2012
In Javanese Gamelan music irama has the general meaning of time interval between two successive sounds or actions. The term can also be used to refer to temporal relationships between any of the subdividing parts in gamelan performance as well as tempo in general. The current piece explores notions of pulse and microrhythmic developments using as timbral framework a set of recordings of a Javanese gamelan orchestra done at the University of York in England. The work is inspired on various temporal and timbral relationships between subdividing parts of gamelan music and structured as an aural journey through a rich palette of timbres that contribute to the unique overall sound quality of the gamelan.

Felipe Otondo

Felipe Otondo
Felipe studied acoustics in Chile where he started composing and performing music for experimental theatre developing several performance projects with actors and musicians. In 1999 he moved to Denmark to do post-graduate studies in sound perception at Aalborg University focusing on spatial sound and timbre perception. He studied composition at the Carl Nielsen Academy with the Anders Brødsgaard where he composed and performed various compositions and took part in several interdisciplinary projects with visual artist. For several years he worked as a research fellow at the Acoustic Technology unit of the Danish Technical University in projects exploring the directional characteristics of musical instruments for room auralizations in collaboration with IRCAM. In 2005 he pursued his composition studies at the University of York in England with Ambrose Field and Roger Marsh focusing in electroacoustic composition and music theatre. His music has been widely played in festivals across Europe, in North and South America, as well as in Australia. He composed the music for the BAFTA-award winning radio drama The glassman in collaboration with Neil Sorrell and has received awards and prizes in composition competitions in Italy, France and Brazil. Felipe is currently a lecturer at the Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts at Lancaster University where he teaches music technology, musical acoustics, composition and spatial sound.

More about Felipe Otondo at: