Cardinal Shift
Joël Chételat

Arxiu / Archivo / Archive

Presentació / Presentación

15 de Novembre de 2012

15 de Noviembre de 2012

November 15, 2012

Obres rebudes
Obras recibidas
Received works

Activitats / Actividades

Seminari Taller d'Espacialització de So / Seminario Taller de Espacialización de Sonido
4-8/02/2013 16.00-20.00 Hangar

ZèppelinExpandit2012 / ZeppelinExpandido2012 / Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multifocal 30/11/2012 . 20.00 . Hall del CCCB
BarcelonaSoLimit: Exposició de so i música / Exposición de sonido y música
BarcelonaSoLimit: Obres presentades a la Convocatòria / Obras presentadas a la Convocatoria
Paulo Hartmann : Acció participativa amb SmartPhones / Acción participativa con smartphones

Concert Multifocal / Concierto Multical
19/10/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB
CageMixTuring Irish Circus Electronic Live Ensemble

Escolta multifocal de fragments memorables de l'obra de John Cage modulats per un algorisme implementat en una màquina de Turing virtual i expandida als 17 altaveus que integren el dispositiu d'espacialització sonora de l'Orquestra del Caos
Escucha multifocal de fragmentos memorables de la obra de John Cage modulados por un algoritmo implementado en una máquina de Turing virtual y expandida a los 17 altavoces que integran el dispositivo de espacialización sonora de la Orquesta del Caos

Concert / Concierto
Zona Franca . Lali Barrière . 25/05/2012 . 20.00 . Mirador CCCB

BSL al/en el/ at CCCB

Nota de premsa en PDF

Nota de prensa en PDF

Cardinal Shift . 2012
Cardinal Shift is a composition for 16 loudspeakers specially written for the ZeppelinExpandit2012 – BarcelonaSoLimit event, exploring the idea of limit. The multiple sound source setup gives the opportunity to think of a more complex sound spatialisation than the usual stereophonic system normally allows. The sonic environment of a city is made of a finished number of various sound elements that pop up, extend, repeat and move in space and time within the urban boundaries. Cardinal Shift is an evolving music piece made of shifting repetitive motives progressively appearing in different spatial patterns along the cardinal points. Slight variations, improvised phrases and sudden breaks add an unexpected touch to the whole when all elements are in. The odd 7/8 time signature and the way the notes spin, bounce and pulse within the area delimited by the PA system constantly redefine the spatial horizon and recompose the sense of place. While staying motionless, the listener may at times feel disoriented by the ever changing perspective of the music.

The orchestration consists in traditional instruments (piano, harp, double bass, vibes, marimbas, bells and claps), yet used in an unusual combination. The use of classical instruments together with chromatic percussions is inspired by contemporary music whereas the palmas are a direct reference to the Spanish culture. Different worlds collide, sonically and spatially, just like in the city.

Though all used instruments are acoustic, the rather complex spatialisation of the music is only made possible thanks to electronic treatments. The relatively quick and numerous spatial shifts make such a rendition impossible for a real orchestra.

Joel Chételat

Joel Chételat
Joël Chételat was born in Switzerland in 1971. He started his musical activities by playing in different bands, notably the indie pop-rock act Magicrays in which he played drums, percussions, vibes, glockenspiel and for which he made some arrangements. Magicrays toured Europe and released four albums, two of which were produced by John Parish in the USA and the UK, as well as a few EPs and other things. More recently, Joël Chételat performed live with Fauve, playing electronic percussions, glockenspiel, piano, guitar and stylophone for a series of gigs in Switzerland and France. He also made remixes for different artists under the moniker of Paramotion.

As a professional geographer, his interest in landscape and the way sound and space interact –he wrote a couple of articles about sound mapping in scientific journals- led him to realize sound art projects in the recent years (see list below). In July 2011, he was awarded the 2nd prize of the Joensuu Soundscape Composition Contest (Finland) for his contribution, which was played in pedestrian streets through the existing outdoor PA system consisting of over 100 speakers.

Joël Chételat has been running two weblogs since 2007 where he is exploring record covers considered as the visual link between music and listeners.

More about Joël Chételat at: